Safety Travel Tips For Pregnant Women With Different Transport Options


Travelling as pregnant woman can fee a little bit more daunting. However, it is possible that you visit a place you dream of while being pregnant as long as you know what to do to stay safe. The key is to talk with your prenatal advisors such as doctor or OB-GYN so you get valuable advice and guide to travel safely for both you and your baby. 

Pregnant blond-haired woman in a living room

How to travel safely with different transport options for pregnant women 

There are many ways you can reach your travel destination. You can travel by plane, car, train, or cruise ship. Every type of transport may cause different risk for your pregnancy you need to be more cautious about. And here are safety travel tips for you as pregnant women with different transport options:

Travelling by plane

Most airlines require pregnant travelers to bring a prenatal record and doctor’s certificate that inform your condition, as well as your eligibility to fly during your pregnancy. If you are about to have a long-haul flight, prepare everything you are going to need well. Be careful of the risk of blood clots to pregnant women while flying. During the flight, you need to stay hydrated, move around every few hours, and keep good blood circulation especially in your legs. It is suggested that you book an aisle seat to make it easier for you to get up and walk around to stretch and go to the toilet. Avoid carbonated drinks and put your seat belt lower on your hip bones, below your belly to stay comfortable. 

Travelling by train and car

Travelling by train or car during pregnancy is still possible. However, you also need to be mindful oft he duration. Long haul road trip and train journeys can exhaust you with lots of sitting and moving. It is strongly suggested that you move and stretch every few hours. If you travel by train, make sure to pack what you are going to need even though the staffs may provide them for you at some points. If you travel by car, make sure that your ride is in good condition, and plan out stops along the way so you can stretch your legs and go to the bathroom to refresh yourself. Pack some snack and drink enough water throughout the trip. 

Travelling by cruise ship

Even regular travelers may experience seasickness such as nausea, dizzy, and vomiting when travel by cruise ship. Added pregnancy into the mix, you may experience worse morning sickness. Hence, talk to your doctor so they can prepare you medicines to help ease seasickness and morning sickness. Avoid travelling by cruise ship during the first trimester of your pregnancy to minimize the risk of worse morning sickness. 

During travel, you need to keep an eye open on your health and bodily function to see if there is sign of bleeding, contraction, etc. Also, check for travel advisories in advance to know who and where to get help just in case of emergency. 

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