Collect Your Travel Memories In The Best Way Possible


One of the many reasons why people love travelling so much is the memories that can be recalled later. Through those memories, you can share your stories with others. Travel memories also make you feel like having more meaningful journey. Sometime, you see a book you bought during your trip and remembered what heartfelt story behind it. Travel memories are precious and so that many travelers choose to capture them as much as possible. However, every traveler may have different ways in collecting their travel memories. And here are ways you can capture your travel memories in the best way possible:

Use a map

Today’s travelers might not be too excited about carrying physical map throughout their adventures. However, there is this kind of unique satisfaction of planning your paths with the map. You can use your map as a reminder of your next journey, or motivation to travel more. And when you look at those places in your map you have visited, you will be able to recall the stories vividly. 

Write a travel journal

Even if you are not professional writer or author, you can always write everything everywhere you are. Capturing travel memories through your own words feel very personal. You can enjoy it for yourself later or share it with your loved ones if you want. Also, many travelers find this activity to be calming and healing during their trip. It feels like a therapy to center yourself while enjoying your adventure. You can buy a travel journal but it is more recommended to choose the physical travelbook instead of digital one so you can experience the most out of writing a travel journal. 

Use unique photography

Taking pictures is one of the most popular ways people capturing their travel journey. It is easy and you can do it using your camera phone or professional camera. Try to be spontaneous in capturing the memories during your trip to see how wonderful it will be when you see it later. Or, you can also take more unique approach in taking pictures such as by using an Instax Camera. Polaroids are timeless and always look amazing regardless what year you look at them. 

Make a video

Video is interesting because it is more lively. Through the motions, you can actually feel the mood, listen to the natural noises, as well as capture the emotion better. It can be challenging to take good videos of your travel journey. However, you don’t have to focus on it. Instead, focus on what kind of memories you want to collect through the videos. 

Create a travel scrapbook

This feels like an old school style but it’s truly worth it. You can use literally anything to fill up your travel memory book. You can fill it with entrance tickets, coin rubbings, sweet wrappers, leaflets, and even dry leaves. You can also pour your creativity into making an interesting scrapbook. Use various colored pens, manics, etc, and make it as personal as possible for you.

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