How To Be An Awesome Extrovert During Travel


Travel styles can be different with different personalities. For example, between introvert and extrovert personality. There are strong characteristics of each personality that can influence the way you enjoy your travel the most. However, it doesn’t mean one personality is better than other. Every individual has their own in enjoying their travel. If you are an extrovert who like travelling, you might not find any particular difficulties when it comes to socializing with new people or adapting to new environment. Of course, it’s not always pleasant for extroverts to travel as well. There are some difficulties such removing the feeling of being isolated, how to keep the mood bright throughout the travel, or how to be more observant towards surrounding. 

Be an awesome extrovert during your travel 

When you are an extrovert, you may not worry about about travelling with other people. Travelling in group might be thing you need indeed. However, there must be people with different personalities in your group. So here are several tips for you to be an awesome extrovert in a group travel.

How To Be An Awesome Extrovert During Travel

Give the other chances to also share their experiences, be the center of attention, and enjoy the trip in their own way. Just because you are the extrovert one in the group doesn’t mean you have to be the star of the travel all the time. You can still share your own experiences and opinions about the travel but don’t let your eagerness kill the other’s desire to do the same for the group. 

You can also go visit some places or do any activities alone without your group some time. You don’t have to be a constant anchor in your group. You are allowed to have your own ‘me time’ when you need it. Tell your group when you want to do things alone for a few hours and let them know where you are going to so they know what to do in case of emergency. 

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Try not to overwhelm the others. It might be a little bit difficult for extrovert to not dominate the situation because they tend to be expressive in showing emotions or expressing their thoughts. However, keep in mind that your group might not need to be dominated. You don’t have to be the one who make decision all the time. You can let other make the decision for the group as well. 

Try not to treat other introvert travelers in your group as lone wolves. They might not really fancy of making long conversation but they will let you know when they are interested to discuss something. Don’t force them to share their opinion if they don’t want to. However, you can help make their days brighter by being the extrovert yourself. Your positive and cheery vibes can help lifting up the mood of the travel instantly. That’s the best of being extrovert because every little thing can turn into more exciting things ten times better. Your braveness and agility in socializing will be very meaningful for your group. 

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