Common Misconceptions About Travel You Need To Know


There are different types of travel that each individual may like. The concept of travel often bring people joy and happiness. That’s why you can see many books, blogs, movies, and advertisement about travel. It is because travelling is one kind of interest that many people share. However, there are still misconceptions and misinformation about travel that makes some people are more skeptical to travel. 

Travelling is not for women

Common misconceptions and misinformation about travel

One of the most common misconceptions about travel is that it is expensive, non-affordable, wasting money, and so on. However, there are so many traveler whom already prove that budget travel is possible. Many travel book or articles showing everyone travel can be done in minimum wage and low budget. Here are other misconceptions or misinformation about travel.

Travelling is not for women

There is a myth saying that travel is not for women. Well, it is totally untrue. In fact, there are so many female solo travelers who have been to many places safely. Thy myth is understandable because most people think that women are at higher risks on the road. Also, some people still think that women are weak creatures and breakable. However, travel is not only about using your physical strength. It is also about your emotional intelligence and common sense. Travelling is for everyone be it men or women. 

Backpacking is only for young people

This is also a misinformation about travel. Backpacking is not only for young or single people. There are many travelers in their 40s or 50s who still love backpacking because it is what they prefer when it comes to travelling. And they do it because they can regardless of their age. 

Budget travel is only for young and single people

Budget travel is only for young and single people

Many people think that if you are young and single, you opt for budget travel. However, it is not true at all. Budget travel is for anyone who want to do so. Even if you are having romantic travel with your partner, you can still plan it with minimum wage. Young people can also opt for luxury travel if they want. Travel is not only about how much you have to spend money. It is also about gaining priceless experience you only get only from visiting new places. 

Travelling with kids is a nightmare

This is myth about travel that many parents believe. While it is true that taking your kids to visiting new places can cause some hassles, it doesn’t mean you won’t get experience meaningful, happy trip. There are preparations you can do to have smooth travel with your kids. 

Hitchhiking and couch-surfing are tickets to death 

These activities carry their own risk. It is possible that you meet bad people or interesting ones during hitchhiking or couch-surfing. What you need to do it safely is to have a healthy dose of common sense. Use your judgement and always follow your instinct. Take precautions and bring a travel buddy if you are uncomfortable doing it solo. 

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