Dealing with Driver Fatigue for Safe and Smooth Travel

Dealing with Driver Fatigue For Safe and Smooth Travel

Sleep is one of the most important elements in our life. We spend one third of our lifetime sleeping, so it is particularly essential. By having enough sleep, our body can function well. When we are not getting enough sleep, it is easy to feel drowsy, fatigue, tired all the time. Having fatigue while driving can put your safety at risk. Therefore, make sure that you avoid and deal with driver fatigue for safer travel.

Avoid driver fatigue

It is best to not wait until you are being hit by driver fatigue but avoid it instead. Preventing yourself from driver fatigue or extreme exhaustion and drowsiness is by understanding the causes of driver fatigue itself. The main cause is the lack of quality sleep. It can also be because you drive when you normally sleep (overnight driving), or you are having sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can’t fight sleep.

Dealing with Driver Fatigue for Safe and Smooth Travel

Sleeping is one of the most effective ways to prevent and deal with driver fatigue. The night prior to your road trip, get enough quality sleep, especially if you are going for such a long-trip. Also, it is best to not drive for more than eight hours in a day. If you have to take such a long-hours ride, take frequent breaks. Even if you don’t really need to go to the toilet, take frequent breaks to stretch your limbs and all tied knots.

Drink plenty of water during your road trip. However, avoid alcoholic beverages before or during driving. Even the small amount can contribute to driver fatigue. Stick to mineral water or juice to stay hydrated. It is best to eat before the travel. However, make sure that you don’t eat too much to the point where your stomach feels like it is going to burst. Eat enough to make you feel recharged. Excessive eating will only lead to drowsiness.

Schedule your road trip beforehand. Hence, you can decide the best time for driving. If it is possible, avoid driving when you would be usually sleeping. Instead of driving overnight, it is best to drive from early in the morning. If you feel drowsy or tired while driving, take power nap even if it is only 20 minutes. Then, drink before you continue your trip.

It is important to not ignore the signs of driver fatigue. The signs of exhaustion during road trip include constant yawning, heavy or sore eyes, difficulty to focus while driving, day dreaming, impatience, irritability, cramps, muscle cramps, lack of motivation, slower reaction, and microsleep (when you sleep in just few seconds noticed by how your head jerk and nod).

Driver fatigue has huge impact on your driving. It affects the ability of your driving and decision making while on the road. It can be dangerous not only for you but also the others. Hence, always drive safely regardless of your travel plan. If it is possible, take turn driving with your travel buddies.

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